Cyclists in the Great War Wikia
Cyclists in the Great War Wikia

5 October 1914 -|- Pierre Dané[]

L'Auto-vélo 1911-06-23

L’Auto-vélo, 23-06-1911

L'Auto-vélo 1911-07-03

L’Auto-vélo, 03-07-1911

L'Auto-vélo 1911-09-25

L’Auto-vélo, 25-09-1911

Dane Pierre OVL

Mémoire des Hommes

Herdenkingsplaten kerk Saint-Sever detail

Commemorative plaques in the church (detail)

Monument aux Morts Saint-Sever 1

Monument aux Morts at Saint-Sever


Pierre Dané was born on April 1, 1880 as the son of Jean Dané and Marie Laporterie in a house on the castle of Souprosse (Landes), where the father worked as a farmer.

Dané first lived in Saint-Sever, where he also remained domiciled when he later moved to Tours. He was a professional cyclist in 1911 and 1912 and finished 55th in Paris-Roubaix (1911). According to the correspondent of L'Auto-vélo van Tours, he was a road cyclist with sufficient content who does not let go quickly. With those praise, he participated in the Tour de France in 1911, but gave up in the first stage. In 1912 he finished 18th in Bordeaux-Paris. After that he was no longer found in results.

Pierre Dané was a soldier in the 212th Infantry Regiment. He was killed on the 5 October 1914 in Oulches (-la-Vallée-Foulon) (Aisne). His death was transferred on September 19, 1917 in Saint-Sever (Landes). He received the honorable mention “Mort pour la France”. His name is on the commemorative plaques in the church and on the Monument aux Morts in Saint-Sever (Landes).


1911 | Alcyon-Dunlop[]

  • 16-04-1911: 55° Paris – Roubaix
  • 02-07-1911: DNF 1° stage Tour de France, Paris – Dunkerque
  • 24-09-1911: 8° Circuit de Touraine, Tours

1912 | Alcyon-Dunlop[]

  • 26-05-1912: 18° Bordeaux – Paris
  • 30-06-1912: did not start Tour de France (dossard 114)
